How can scientists most effectively reduce the anthropogenic effects dealt to the ocean?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Blog 21: Independent Component 2


  • I, Eric Reynolds, affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
  • The Cabrillo Marine Aquarium has allowed me to continue to volunteer, and has me doing a variety of things that increase my knowledge of marine biology.
  • Log (incomplete)
  • I completed an extra 45 hours of mentorship with the CMA. 


  • I spent a majority of my hours feeding and taking care of the octopus. Ever since I started volunteering at CMA, I immediately fell in love with the octopus. Feeding the octopus takes about 20 minutes for each octopus, and there are a total of 10. I also go out into the rocks and catch crabs to feed the octopus. This takes about 45 minutes.


  • The component helped my support my answer of monitoring the levels of pollution more precisely, because all the time I spent out on the rocks, I noticed a lot of pollution going into the water from sea-doos, boats, and people just littering. I feel like if there were people out on the rocks to regulate this type of pollution, we could increase the health of the boat launch water.